
Mac os icon mac for chrome os
Mac os icon mac for chrome os

mac os icon mac for chrome os mac os icon mac for chrome os

In its analysis of the 2020 personal computing device market, research firm Canalys reported that Chromebook vendors' overall market almost quadrupled in size over the same period a year earlier. For 2020 year-over-year compared to 2019, Windows lost 4.9 percentage points, from 85.4% to 80.5% macOS was up 0.8 percentage points, from 6.7% to 7.5% and Chrome OS established itself firmly in second place by jumping 4.4 points, from 6.4% to 10.8%. Specifically, in the fourth quarter of last year, Windows had 76.7% of the market (it's in no danger of losing its top ranking this decade) macOS had 7.7% and Chrome OS had 14.4%.

#Mac os icon mac for chrome os Pc#

According to IDC's latest PC sales numbers, by 2020's fourth quarter, Chromebooks were outselling Macs by two-to-one. I had the timing wrong, but my prediction that "most of us will be moving to cloud-oriented operating systems" is finally coming true. I've been saying for ages now that Google's Chrome OS would become Microsoft's Windows top competitor.

Mac os icon mac for chrome os